Saturday, December 26, 2009


One of the many reasons to leave things up until after winter is the shelter for the animals; insects that have made winter homes in the plant stems; protection for the birds; and for us - the beauty!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 09

Continually adding more plants. It seems there is always more space when you find a plant you like. As you can see from the photos things are growing rapidly. Next year will require some prunning to keep it manageable. I now have over 80 species in this 2000 sq. ft. front yard, many of which I planted multiple of the same species. The squirrels and chipmunks love the mulch and bird feeder to the point where they are becoming aggressive to the birds. I haven't seen any rapters yet but hopefully they come and take care of the problem. I had to put up a short plastic fench to keep out the rabbits who were killing several small plants they found appealing.